Industrial Design
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Varanasi Metro Light
A research based BIM Modeling for Varanasi Metro light project.
Model based on LoD 600 BiM 5D

ROB For Deoria Junction
Indian Railway
We prepared the proposal for new ROB LC129, 130,. The whole presentation made on Revit and Infrawork, along Civil 3D

Tej Shakti Oil Mill - Mirzapur & Varanasi
We have designed the factory and admistration building incluiding sells building for Kashian Group the are the working Nodels for that, It was made using BiM LoD 500 modeling system

Filling Stations - Essar / HP
Many filling station design and proposal done from ABE 4D BiM Studio, it was 2 petrol pump design, and one was hindustan petrolium.
we facilitated the client with 5D BiM model based on LoD 600

Steel Design | BiM Modeling
we have done so may industrial steel dwells and ware house project for may agencies. we are supplying BiM strctures to the nodels

Pacific Gym for A&A Studio MATERIUM Delhi
It was a cargo based dwells taking gym and health center inside totally based on the theme of industrial cargo and materials also was involved .